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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2016

And now she has a girl...

From 2011 I’d like to know what are you thinking now, and what’s gonna happen tomorrow. I can’t answer any of both. I’d like to say that I miss you, each part of you, entirely you; but I don’t. I’m doing this because I feel alone, and you told me that I'd never be alone again (yeah! Like the song!); but I’d never believed in that, I was completely sure that “our issue” had to finish, sooner or later. Now, five years had passed since the last time I saw you. Despite the lost memories, I can remember each detail on you skin, each flavour of your lips, and every light in those blue eyes, deep eyes... And now those eyes live in another soul, and I'm sure you'll never be alone again...

Como si la hubiera tenido...

La extraño tanto como si nunca la hubiera tenido. Extraño su pelo, extraño sus besos. Extraño su sonrisa iluminando mi desvelo  La extraño tanto como si nunca la hubiera tenido porque ya no la recuerdo acurrucada justo al centro, no tan cerca de mi pecho, decía, porque a veces me da miedo  La extraño tanto que recuerdo con detalle cada una de sus pestañas, recuerdo la comisura de esos labios que siempre me contaban historias, que se convertían en magia al recorrerlos. La extraño mucho mucho porque ya nadie juega así con mi pelo, porque no hay mayor despliegue de ternura que su mano en mi costado izquierdo, porque nadie cuestiona cada uno de mis pensamientos. La extraño tanto que puedo sentir de nuevo su perfume, y también esa vibrante sensación que brotaba de su cuello. La extraño tanto que recuerdo esos lunares prohibidos, esos muslos eternos.  Extraño mucho sus caricias furtivas, extraño tanto sus falsos consuelos. Extraño su cara de sorpresa al ver que una tarde había ...

The importance of doing good knots

Now it's broken. You have many things to explain next morning, and so much rash to cover with makeup. For now, you’re useless. You have lost control of the essential functions of life. You cannot even monitor the way you breathe. The floor is an extension of a sprawling piece of meat, all is ground and grey, the tile is not black and white anymore.    You try to remember how you became this, and why are you not able to move your hands. And then realise something, your arm is broken. And you remember, your soul was broken before. The pain is irrigating as the blood is colouring the room. There’s no sensation can be described as any other than pain, it has been there too long there’s no remedy or escape. Why did you fall that way?     The transcendence can be achieved in many ways, but also can be no sense. And then realise the shame you will be explaining how this happen, trying to hide the truth. You won’t say that you lose the battle again, that anxiety in...