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Hate me

Hate me more! 
And hate me more and more! If that makes you feel better, it’s fine. 

Hate me more if you are afraid of being recognised hate me more!
 Hate me more if I say something not appropriate 
if I don’t see the light in your light if I question something I don’t understand, 
hate me more if what I think is making you better or not!

Be more intense! It’s a challenge! 
Do your best hate, the one most intense, 
the one that shakes the earth. 
Hate me all!!!

Hate me more if I want your happiness, 
if I believe in your example. 
Hate me more if I admire your perseverance, hate me more if I am proud of you. 

Hate me if after that you can see who’s admiring you, 
hate me a lot more if that puts you in a place you deserve because of your effort.

Not because you are pretty, 
not because you are sweet, 
not because of your antipathy. 
Hate me more if I see something more on you.

Hate me more if I believe in your heart,
hate me if I think in your mind, 
hate me if that hate is built on your everyday day sacrifice, 
hate me with your most profound work, 
hate me all that you want.

Hate me with all the hate you had walking in the snow. 
Hate me with all the loneliness of leaving your heart the Saturdays to study. 
Hate me with all the difficulties of being sick and going to the school.

Hate me that much,
 hate me with that intensity that you can see the person I profoundly love, and I’m proud of

I can live with your hate,
 but I cannot live with another version than the best of you.


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