It was a moan, it was her breathing.
It was the end of innocence.
It was not only the curiosity of the time,
it was the hidden feeling behind.
It was just a kiss, why not?
It was just the fifth bottle of champagne.
The good times need the best liquor.
It was then just a try.
Just her hand in her hand,
it was just a witness surprised.
It was just a moment to stop,
it was just a time to look at the eyes.
It was then the next song,
it was a weird time.
It was another kiss in the eyes.
It was dancing together,
it was falling behind.
It was just another kiss, then another one.
It was that electric feeling,
knowing that something is going to end bad.
It was just the delicacy of the moment,
it was just a time.
It was not passionate or wild,
it was curiosity and discovery chance.
It was touching here and there,
it was a new thing to try.
It was her hand a frequent visitor of her breast,
it was the lips coming by.
It was all new for everyone,
it was expectation behind.
It was a discovery every centimetre,
it was cold, it was dry.
It was a smile at the moment,
It was confidence, it was trust in the eyes.
It was looking each other, it was just another time.
It was the clothes hindering the moment,
It was goosebumps on every single part.
It was white skin, it was also a dark one.
It was the delicacy in the air,
It was a discovery every time.
It was naked paths to cross.
It was delicate, it was just nice.
It was now nudity and profanity in the eyes.
It was a moan, it was her lips, it was her hand.
It was breathtaking, it was a small shout.
It was humidity, it was curiosity, it was always a smile.
It was the moment to intervene,
It was just a new adventure began.
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