You reflect, it’s you and not the light. That’s a lie of physics. You reflect, and you remain there... beautiful, concentrated. You reveal the clear and the dark, you reflect on the ice living in your eyes. You reflect the clearness of your hair. You reflect the portrait of the woman. You indicate the intermittences of the road. You reflect brightness and darkness, you appear and disappear at times. You reflect peace doesn’t matter it’s 200 kms outside. And then you look at the reflection, and then you use the power of your eyes, and then you shine.
Se alquila! Apuesto muchacho para salir fines de semana. Dispuesto a cualquier cosa con tal de evitar el ocio semanal. Diversas facetas, divertido y apuesto. Favor de abstenerse si usted no tiene más de 17 años o menos de 33. Preferentemente chicas lindas... Informes, dejar un comentario en este post... Saludos!
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