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The structural revolution of her

I'm ashamed. Every year it's harder to understand the true meaning of March the 8th without being politically incorrect, but this year is about be the revolution of the ashamed. And the road has been long.

I should not congratulate you for being of one sex different than mine because I have to understand the difference between sex and gender. It's ok, it's always a social construction, like the one you have sometimes used indiscriminately to favour your position without the ethical protection of the gender, or even better, the one you have exploited in the name of the protection of the gender. It's advantageous when it has to be, but historically oppressive all the other time. But never it's egalitarian. However, it's not the right answer for this year.

Then is not a celebration. How are we supposed to celebrate one gender just for the reason of being? If it's social, we should celebrate socially many of any other human group constructions if it's natural why don't make a party full of flowers. The historical commemoration of the fight against the oppression looks more like a totalitarian celebration of the twentieth century than a reason to look at all of us more equally, to be more human. You cannot celebrate the situation of women that are oppressed or killed just because their sex, but you cannot commemorate anything without assigning the commemoration a series of values and judgments intrinsic to the moment. To honour all of that you have to be explicit.

Neither is a reason to exalt your more valuable characteristics because these features are gender-oppressive biassed, and they try to perpetuate the system by the exaltation of the remarking ways of surviving on the middle of the oppression. Now I'm more confused. It's not only I was too stupid not to treat you as you deserved, but now I'm an active subject that has the power to perpetuate those conditions in the environment you live. And I have to be conscious and ashamed of that.

Indeed, I can be ashamed of not being sensitive enough to stop the repetition of many conducts that intrinsically have oppressed you. And as far I've been learning, some of them are part of the evolutionary information that has been implanted in my genes. This is the first obstacle I have to fight against. After realising that, I have to fight against the second group of barriers constructed not by my genetic bias, but that is transformed into social barriers. Some of those conducts are so explicit, but more of them are quite shadowed into a grey area near my childhood traumas. But all that guilt and commiserations does not build a better world for all we live on it.

Why do we have to define ourselves regarding the differences? Is that big the need to feel special that we have to characterise the particularities instead of the commonness? Is that being a man or a woman deserves higher status than being human?

In the meantime, women are still there. Celebrating, commemorating, constructing, fighting and loving as men are. The social environment has assigned values, but it seems now that we live in so many social environments that I am not sure which one is the best to change. I'm a student, but an international pariah, but an active member of my virtual social networks, but a lover, but a friend...

I'm happy to know and talk with extraordinary human beings in my life; even I'm quite shy in some situations. But even as difficult as it sounds, my objective, for now until the new directrix on gender issues is changing, is to think that I don't care if they are men or women, I hope they are just happy humans.


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