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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2017

Erotic dreams

I had the most erotic dream in years. It was about you. Of course an Eastern European. But it's a secret. It's mine, and now it's yours. It's just between us. I woke up in wet sheets and dizzy mornings just with the feeling that you provoked all of that. With the necessity of dreaming for one more second. Just with this new sensation of needing you. I was crazy in your universe thinking of how much I wanted to kiss those lips. How crazy I am that smile. But also how much I wanted to squeeze your ass. How much I wanted you just for me. Your eyes are the preciousness never reached by the almonds, your face it's a poem just made by itself. It's the first time I dream of you. It's the second time I'm writing about you. 72 hours later the idea, I'm still perturbed. I can remember every detail from that symphony that meant making love to you.  Because it felt like that, just like the love I needed not to be real. But how could I talk to you ab...


No quiero ni pensar en que tengo que escribir esto, pero la cerveza lo hace más sencillo. Tengo que confesarte que he pensado por lo menos 13 días en cómo despedirme y aún me sigo negando a la posibilidad de que sea real.  No te puedes despedir de alguien como tú en la vida. Simplemente no se puede. No es un recurso poético ni un artilugio del español, pero me niego a encontrar la forma de despedirme.  Cuando alguien toca tu alma no hay forma de decir adiós. No hay forma de que te vayas una vez que estás tan adentro. No existe forma de borrarlo, y aún así sé que mañana tendremos 9 horas de diferencia y que tu día será mi noche y mis mañanas vivirán sólo en tus sueños, por ahora. Pero no estoy más que agradecido. Por haber mandado ese mensaje en el messenger de facebook y por tener curiosidad de alguien de Sinaloa. Serán tan buenas como en México? Será guapa? Podré salir con ella? Fue mejor que todo eso junto. La autenticidad y la sinceridad no se compran en la tienda, menos se...


I would like to begin this speech making some clarifications. I am not a native English speaker, and therefore I will talk a little bit slow to try to be clear.  The last time I conducted a  speech in English, talking about the content of my thesis, in the end, I saw such confused expressions on the faces of my colleagues that I would like to blame not my topic but my English. I would want to talk about the importance of the nonlinear approaches for the forecast of time series data because it is now my everyday topic, but I remembered those faces and I realised that an audience like this deserves a speech more fundamental.  That's why I am here to pick a word about three basic concepts that I think we should remember today: gratitude, probability and future. Maybe it is about the language or the culture, but one most familiar words in Spanish is " Gracias ". And today we are closing one of the steps in our professi...

Reflexiones para alguien con luz propia

Aún recuerdo perfectamente la primera vez que te vi. Saliste disparada como cohete. Saliste corriendo de una habitación que pronto harías tuya a fuerza de armarios y fotografías, conquistabas con la simpatía de quién no quiere conquistar. Yo pensé que eras alguien más, tan solo eras tú misma.  No entendía muchas cosas de ti no por un asunto de lenguaje, también por una forma de vivir. Una bola de pelos mal pintados tan desordenada no tenía pies ni cabeza. No tenía sentido, no había más que hacer. Sin embargo, verte crecer ha sido fantástico! Hoy te acercas más a la esencia de ti misma con menos elementos de afuera. Has sido la pequeña gota de luz de un mundo que a veces desaparece entre la niebla y la nieve.  Cuándo cambiaste? Aún no lo tengo claro. Tal vez fue la primera vez que volviste de casa o cuando tomaste la decisión de no volver, pero cambiaste. Dejaste la ilusión por la madurez y esa inocencia se convirtió en un rasgo que asusta por la mal entendida astucia que escon...

If you were another piece of words

I would be worried, sad, bitter.  If you were another piece of words.  I would be desperate in the middle of loneliness. Craziest paragraphs would be the centre of my anxiety. If you were another piece of words. I would build the perfect world in one line. Give it to you in a paper. I would find a thousand of ways of solving problems  Put each one next to your nice hair. If you were another piece of words I would not ask you to believe,  To take the risk of what you feel,  to embrace the  best moments of your life. I would be desperate finding the wrongs I would be crazy counting the lies. If you were another piece of words. I would test now my new theory,  Write you six stories, three arrangements, two rhymes. After the word line 76 you would begin to vanish. At the 100th line for sure you would be gone. If you were another piece of words, You could open a new post, Be the secret reason for someone to read Find a new lover or maybe ten,  I wouldn...

The perfect length

The perfect length it's always a mini skirt. It should be a universal measure in every circumstance. Doesn't matter what the size is, it's not important what is the fit. It's always perfect. It just begins in the middle of nowhere, just in the middle because there's always an end. It's just in the middle to hide the rest, it's just the middle to show the beginning. The general indifference of this canvas can be produced industrially, but it will produce unique results. You never know what is covering the mini skirt without the adventurous spirit of the explorer. Under the mini-skirt, there are lines, colours, ink, silk. Can be complemented by high heels, or bold knees. Below can be the smoothest surface ever felt or crisscrossed labyrinth closer to the infinite. Above the mini skirt, there is everything. Suprise and magic, punishment or reward. Probably altogether. It hides the constant darkness and the endless contrasts. It's a surface cannot be measur...

Shades and shadows

Walk there, open  your eyes it's just the darkness. There's no other recognisable thing in the air. It is just the shadows. Run there, no matter how fast, There's no way to escape, It's  always something following you. It's just the shade. You learned to run to escape from the shades. You became the best friend of the shadows. It's what you are comfortable with It's what you are afraid of. And one night you will discover so slowly you are consumed by your darkness That you're the best friend of shades That you need the shadows You're shading, you're shadows. You don't want to move faster than light, You need the obscurity all times when there's something to hide.


I woke up thirsty, repentant, grief. My lips are so dry from you I needed poetry in my life I feel I have lost my soul. I woke up needy, sorry and with thousands of regrets. I shouldn't let you go through the night Then after there's only life to forget It's not true that hard work is so rewarding It's a wave concentrating all the stress. No matter how complicated it's the program No more data to regress Nothing is distracting me from my thoughts. Nothing is entertaining enough. Nothing is feeding me in the soul. I'm thirsty of your eyes, I'm hungry on the floor I woke up in the darkness, feeling that horrible  thirst, I'm dying for you in the mornings I'm looking for you in the sun I needed to read some poetry, I wanted to feel it in you I need the water living in your eyes I need the fountains hiding from the world And for now, everything looks dryer in the world This morning I'm thirsty Last night you were finally gone.

Cuando te vayas...

Qué vas a hacer cuando me vaya? Preguntaste acertada en el teléfono una tarde en que no pude entender esa pregunta de tus ojos. Ahora me persigue como un fantasma que allana las noches junto a ti y que duerme en el espacio que queda entre nosotros. Qué hacer cuando te vayas va agrandando ese pequeño hueco entre tu cintura y mi vientre aunque mis brazos te sujetan cada noche por más tiempo. Qué hacer cuando te vayas en los momentos en los que no quiero dejarte ir. Ahora la pregunta me tortura tanto que necesito mi idioma para encontrar la respuesta en palabras que de otra forma no podría pronunciar. Ya me pesan las mañanas de no verte. Extraño tu figura des alineada, tus pijamas anti sexys, tu cabello en la cara que deja escapar tu sonrisa, pero que esconde esos ojos claros. Extraño ahora mismo tus sonidos extraños, besar tu hombro, recorrer la curva de tu espalda y buscar tu mano para saber que ya amaneció, casi como lo hacía mi padre cuando tenía que despertarme muy temprano en esas m...