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Design problems

I've heard about a basic problem in the human brain. The centres of pain and pleasure are so close one to the other. We feel pain and we feel pleasure in the same way that we make  an over-interpretation of both. They're so close that they almost feel like the same. The fatalist would argue that there's no difference between both and that the pleasure is only the reduction at minimum of everyday's pain. On the other side, it is also arguable that the feeling of pleasure is the feeling of something else, pleasure can be silence, but also can be anxiety or the lack of it. Even the relative experience can drive us to a complete lack of definition of what can pleasure be or not pain or gain. I'm not writing to reconnect everyone's brain, I'm thinking just about the design.

It is sometimes nice to listen "spank me" in the right moments, or seeing the expressions of pleasure when you pull here or when you push there. It's absolutely amazing the feeling of control over one of the most intense  experiences in the human beings. Sometimes, you can control the pain, you can control the pleasure. However, this idea is absolutely frightening!

There's a dose of pain in everyday life. This is not only the mistake we make when we are chopping the onions or the finger that lives between the window and us. Pain is also the way we stay in a bad position for hours, the painful way we know to do some stuff. The painful way we find to relate to the others. And if we are provoking all this pain for having a little of everyday pleasure?

And it is even worse when there is physical violence. Maybe we should say hit me again not for the right dose of reward we look for. Maybe we are in a constant confrontation not for the pleasure of winning but for the one we get when we get hurt. Maybe we try to pacify the bully not for the hope of the better, but because we are looking for the worst. Maybe we are not taking decisions to forget or to move on to have at least some minimum sensation that something that painful will have pleasure in the end. 

Maybe we are just trapped in a design issue.


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