It is announced, after a long time it’s already known, the news you were already the expected. I got only 24 hours, it’s the message for me, it’s just for one day.
In the first two moments, I would run to you, to see your eyes, to feel your skin, to kiss your soul. To ask for the forgiveness of the last wishes. I would be convincing enough to make you flight with me. Even if you’re fearful, it’s all about a day and no more. It’s just one wish, and that’s it.
I would take the train, enjoy the fantasy of moving fast and far over the steel. Feeling modernity and progress, like the good times. Holding your hand, I would take the first plane to Paris, to see the tower, to feel the city. Just far away, just for a moment, just not my town. It’s time to see from the sky the magic of all my good times.
In the 11 hours flying to Mexico, I would write all the poetry about your eyes, the sensations provoked by your lips, the endless softness of one touch. It will be time for stories, for listening all the secrets you wish to bring into the graveyard (I’ll be in one soon).
In landing, we will have the most fantastic time. It’s just to show you what I am, what’s the place of the magic and the hope. It's just few hours to see what's the endless feeling of the Center of the universe in the humbleness of a tortilla?
And then we will just drive, like if there were another way to breathe that country, to get full of it, to feel its veins. Just to the coffee plantation, in the mountains, in a vast Hacienda. The place I’ve always thought since I know the story. Just to speak Spanish, just to be one with the universe there, just to leave in the place where your new world begins, where the endless hours will make you smile like a child again.
It’s just 24 hours. The time for enjoying it's endless.
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